Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Blue Skies so Far Away

I knew it was you.
I knew it was you,
the girl in the blue.
Made my stomach churn
wondering if you would turn
around to see me and say hello.
But I knew you wanted me to go.

Away I went in a rush,
close enough for us to brush.
You noticed, I know you did.
I should have turned and said,
"Is it you, is it really you?
May I have a hug? Maybe two?
Have you missed me as I have you?"

I knew better and walked away
scurried thinking, "what would she say?"
Walking off into the distance away from chance
wondering, "what if I had asked to dance"

I turned back to test my luck,
only to be left debunk.
Had I only said hello at first,
My heart may have avoided this curse.

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