Monday, June 28, 2010

Loud Lake Placid

The rain hisses like a black ally cat caught off guard;
roaring between hisses like the jungle king.

He sits in his rowboat. Completely marred.
oar-less. He's given up in the ring.

the match is over. He sits there breathing cold into his lungs,
he feels the ice enclose around his heart;
it is here where his soul, next to his breast, is hung
the icicles form in his throat, diving down like a dart.

His time is up. Operating on a broken clock
The doctor warned him that they were out of tock.

Though, He could not speak his true desire;
that the hate he had pent up was burning like a raging fire.

What he would give to see her cry;
what he would give to see her heart die.

He knew she was soulless
and what they had could not be undone

but he warned her from his resting place

"Know you have a heart of stone.
A stone that cannot be warmed,
not even by the sun"

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