Friday, December 29, 2006


Every time I think of her
my inside twists and turns
Then, a tear forms.
As it snow balls down my cheek,
it collects all the memories we once had.
The tear falls, it breaks.
My heart breaks. I had to put
the pieces together.

The pieces quiver as I tremble.
I tremble because of the immense pain.
The door has closed,
I now must find one of the two
other doors that opened.
It is a new journey.
It is a long journey.

Imagine summer. Imagine
the best summer of your life.
Now imagine that summer turning
into the worst winter ever.
My heart once basked in the sun.
Now it is covered in a black snow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

kk so like i left you a comment but then i deleted it cuz i accidentally did it under my mun account cuz i didnt know that i was still logged into that hahaha.


ur poetry is very good. tho very sad.
don't be sad omeed you're wonderful and super cool :)
