Monday, January 1, 2007


The old year came.
The old year is gone.
A new year has come.
A new year has come.

As the clock moves toward midnight,
the children are everywhere in sight,
drinking and mingling,
feeling good, tingling.

The girls with the boys
and the boys with the girls
no one knows who's with who
no one knows what to do.

As the clock strikes 1 'till,
everyone prepares for the thrill.
Who to love, who to kiss?
Everyone seems to be in a state of bliss.

The new year is here and everyone screams.
New hopes, new friends, and new dreams.
Loved ones from the past,
are far away cast;

for they shall not interfere
with my happiness, my life, i have no fear.
She wants me gone and gone i shall be
for it is a new year, and it is a new me.