Sunday, September 27, 2009

A Forgotten Knight

I cannot get you out of my head.
From the darkness, I remember sitting on the bed
playing the game as you passed the sadness ahead.
Face to face, "yes" is what I recall you said.

Then it was chaos and all went astray
black was white and white was gray
the rhymes ceased and so did the play
your kind heart struck me with dismay.

I passed the happiness to my brother.
He listend as I told the story of my lost lover;
perhaps her act and play was all a cover,
maybe all along her sights were on another

that night we were on the bed,
all of those things you said.
Little did I know you'd choose that way,
little did you know I was left in dismay.
Such is life when you pursue a false endeavour,
I will always remember sitting on that bed...forever

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